Thursday, January 3, 2008

is a way to God through love... a general definition of Sufism is:
Sufism is a path towards the Truth where there are no provisions except Love. Its method is to look solely in one direction, and its objective is God.
The sufi is one who moves towards the Truth by means of love and devotion. Since only one who is perfect is capable of realizing the Truth, sufis strive their utmost for perfection.
Perfection in this sense means being in harmony with the Divine Nature, which is the goal of the sufi path.

The musical and ecstatic aspect of Sufism is called sama. The sufis, while being spiritually enraptured, give all the attention of their hearts to the Beloved. Often with special and rhythmical music, they engage themselves in the selfless remembrance of God. In this state, the sufi is a drunken lover who becomes unaware of everything but God. With all their faculties the sufis are attentive to the Beloved, and have totally given up and forgotten themselves.
Not all disciples engage in sama. It is only given as a practice to some by their spiritual guide, who determines whether it is appropriate for them or not. Sama can be likened to a medicine; it is sometimes prescribed and sometimes prohibited.

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